We are all living what we feel is our own individual lives. And while we do this, we are also connected to every other being on this planet and in fact the universe (Quantum Entanglement has shown that everything is connected.)
So how do we reconcile the two? How do we bring both truths into our own reality? The way I reconcile the two is to understand that I create my own reality. I choose what I wish to believe in and where I wish to focus my attention. At the same time, I also understand that my choices impact those around me. Every thought, every action, every word, every emotion, carries with it an energy that creates our world and radiates out a vibration impacting the world at large.
At the center of this, for every individual is a very powerful source… our beautiful and wonderful heart.
We all have one but many of us are not aware of just how powerful our hearts can be. Through all my trainings over the years, I have become acutely aware of just how fascinatingly powerful our heart is.
The Different Models
There are many different models that share just how important our heart is. Here are a few:
In mBIT our heart is considered to be a brain or intelligence in its own right. In 1991, Dr J Andrew Armour in his pioneering research on neuro-cardiology, introduced the concept of the functional brain in the heart. His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a ‘brain’ in its own right. It has neurons, interneurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells as well as a complex and elaborate neural circuitry which allows it to function independently of the head brain. [You can read more about mBIT in my post here or mBraining – Using you Multiple Brains to do Cool Stuff by Grant Soosalu & Marvin Oka]
In chakra work it is the bridge between the higher and lower chakras. Above the heart chakra we have the throat, third eye and crown (as well as few more) and below the heart chakra we have the solar plexus, sacral and base (as well as a few more).
HeartMath Institute
The Heart Math Institute have also conducted many scientific studies that show the effects of a coherent heart. Our heart radiates out an electromagnetic field that influence everyone around us. [You can read more information here in my blog or at HeartMath]
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Over the many years of working with clients and myself, I have seen that the heart is often shut down, ignored or caged due to fear of being heart. We tend to allow our head brain to make all sorts of decisions as well as determining how we feel…
I think I feel happy…
I think I feel sad…
The use of the word think indicates our head brain is trying to experience emotions.
However, emotions and feelings are the domain of our heart and are strongly linked to how we experience the world and how we create our world. Our emotions and feelings have a powerful effect on what we are able to draw into our lives and the experiences we create.
Think about a time when you have walked into a room and just knew that the people in there were fighting? Or you met someone and were instantly drawn to them. The energy of the emotions of these people is electrically charging the air and we intuitively pick them up. Some of us are more consciously aware of this and others not so much, but it is something we can all learn.
Why is this important?
Our heart is literally at the center of our life just like the sun is at the center of our solar system. Our heart is our own personal Central Sun, and to keep our Heart Sun burning brightly and radiating love and light we need to nurture it. We need to reconnect with it, uncage it and start to listen to it again.
How do we reconnect with our heart?
In my clinical practice, I have become aware of just how many people are disconnected from their hearts. I also know from personal experience, what that disconnection feels like.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Feeling lost
- Unhappiness
- No direction
- Feeling like a pushover
- Lack of clarity
- Anger
- Fear
What’s interesting is when I start to talk to people about their heart, they quite often feel an overwhelming sense of fear wash over them. They don’t want to hurt, they don’t want to allow people in, they don’t want to feel. If we do those things, we risk getting hurt and biologically our head brain is wired to protect us from getting hurt, at all costs.
An exercise in connecting with your Central Sun, Your Heart
So how do we overcome this conflict? How do we allow our head to allow us to open up to our heart?
We start small. We start off by just connecting with our heart. A simple exercise I like to do is to imagine I am breathing into my heart and breathing out of my heart. This allows us to awaken the heart and clear out any “cobwebs”. If there feels like a cage or you just can’t connect then you may need to do some deeper work. Please reach out.
Once we have awakened our heart and cleared the “cobwebs” we can energise our heart by connecting to kindness, love and appreciation. These feelings help the heart to remember what it feels like to light up. You may even physically feel your heart light up. I like to visual a golden pink light, others see a rainbow of colours. As your central sun starts to glow and as you allow yourself to feel more feel good feelings, you are feeding your Central Heart Sun and it grows with energy. It starts to radiate more love and light and appreciation throughout your heart, then your body and then beyond your body. It is truly a wonderful experience.
A Daily Practice
Bringing this experience into your daily life allows you to start awakening and listening to your heart and then living by its wisdom. It will help you to answer questions such as,
- What is it that I truly want in life?
- What is it that I am truly grateful for?
- Who do I truly wish to connect to?
And by doing this work, by truly connecting with your Central Heart Sun, you radiate out a light and love to the world around you. This energy is a magnet for more love and light to come into your life. How wonderful would that feel?
So remember, you are at the center of your universe in your life. You are the creator in your life. You are the master of your life. Connect with your Central Heart Sun and allow it to radiate love and light into your life and the world around you.
You can listen to my meditation here.
And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice!