The Human Wisdom Project – A Life Changing Program

My Human Wisdom Journey so far…

In September 2021 I felt truly blessed to have been able to take part in the first Australian training for The Human Wisdom Coaching certification. I originally joined the project back in December 2020 when I was first introduced to Dr Manoj Krishna.  From the moment we were introduced I felt connected with his vision and wanted to help and contribute in any way I could.

Since then, I have been blessed to have had multiple conversations with Manoj as well as dive deeply into the app during its creation.


What is the Human Wisdom Project?

The Human Wisdom Project is an amazingly powerful, yet simple program that encourages us all to go on a deep  journey within ourselves. As we do this, we gain awareness as to why we may feel the way we do from stress, anxiety, anger and so much more.  This awareness allows us to then question ourselves so that we can transform our lives to one of peace, allowing us to learn new skills in which to navigate through life’s various situations including dealing with loss, conflicts in relationships and feelings of comparison and envy.

We all have the capacity to enquire where our thoughts and beliefs come from, we just need to find the courage within to begin questioning.

By enquiring into why we think or feel a particular way we allow ourselves to embark on an empowering journey of awareness which enables us to truly connect with our inner wisdom.


The Human Wisdom Project’s Vision

The entire purpose of this program is to create a peaceful existence, beginning with ourselves, which then allows us to influence the world around us.  By living in peace with ourselves, we begin to live in peace with each other and, of course, there is a flow on ripple effect.  We could then live our lives without unnecessary stress and anxiety which creates happier relationships all around.


Consider this… 

Pause for a moment and imagine this world now… A world with no stress, no anxiety, no fear, only PEACE.

How would you feel if your stress and anxiety levels were no longer impacting your sense of peace?

How would you feel if you were able to find a deep sense of peace within yourself?

Notice how your mind feels?

Notice how your body feels?

Notice how your life could look?

The peace that comes from this inner work would lead to a world where addiction and hunger, along with war would be eliminated.

I know for some, this may sound idealistic, or out of reach, but we need to make a change and it all starts with ourselves.  I know for me, it starts within my heart, and it starts with just one thought, one vision.  And it’s within each of us to take responsibility for our own lives.

So, my question to you now is – Are you ready to create a more peaceful existence for yourself where you can access your own inner wisdom?


A final thought

As someone that is passionate about helping others connect with their inner happiness, this app compliments perfectly what I already do and adds another powerful layer of personal discovery and empowerment for not only myself, but also my clients.  I wish it had been around when I was suffering from depression all those years ago. I know from my own personal growth, the power of diving into our own thoughts and feelings.  It will literally change your life.


You can access the app by clicking here.  Or going to the GooglePlay store and searching HumanWisdom.

And if you would like to subscribe, please use the discount code ai692 to receive 10% off.


And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice… What will you choose today?

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