Healing through our Heart

Our Heart connects us to the vibrations of love, kindness and compassion. It is where our soul resides.

Love is patient, kind, generous and peaceful. It is accepting of oneself and others.

It encourages self-acceptance, acceptance of others, trust, well-being, gratitude, abundance, prosperity and good health.

It is also our connection to our higher self, those around us and to the world in general. Through this connection we feel the compassion and empathy, the pain and joy, and the struggle of others. It is our empathic centre.

Healing through our Heart

Healing through our Heart is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves, those around us and the world in general. Healing through our Heart increases our vibration which impacts everyone and everything around us. By connecting with our heart, breathing through our heart, listening to our heart we can heal our minds, bodies and soul.

Living from our Heart

Living from our Heart Centre can be difficult. In a world that challenges us on every level it can be almost impossible to feel that sense of love at all times. But this is part of the human journey, to continue to return to love. Continually returning to the knowledge that we are love. And by this acknowledgement, understanding that we can then give love freely and abundantly. This is the purpose of life.

A Morning Ritual

Have you ever had the sensation when you meet someone that you instantly feel they are a kind person? This person is a person that is connected to their heart and connected to love.

To reconnect with this part of you, start each day with this ritual.

Before you get out of bed, tune into your heart.

Breathe into your heart.

Feel love build within your heart.

Thank your heart for beating every minute of every day and for giving life to your body.

Feel that love radiate out from your heart, expanding through your whole body.

Then feel it expand beyond your body.

Stay in this space as long as you wish.

And when you finally do decide to get out of bed, notice the smile on your face. You have just started your day in the most beautiful way.

And if you would like to see my “Tuning into your Heart” exercise, you can view it here.


And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice!

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