Fill your cup with some self-loving!

When was the last time you put yourself first or did something just for you?

So many people put everyone else before themselves.  Whether it’s their partner, children, extended family, friends, work or even the housework! 

When you don’t take time to look after yourself you will eventually crash and burn. 

When you don’t listen to that voice inside that says, “You need some time out”, your body will make sure you do by getting sick.

When you don’t put yourself first every now and then, you will find yourself wondering through life lost.

And when all of this happens you won’t be able to help those around.

It’s important to learn that you are worthy of looking after yourself. You do deserve to put your needs above those around you and you do deserve to find your happy place regularly.  By spending time just for you, doing something that you love or that brings you happiness, you fill your own cup of life. Life is meant to be lived!  Lived in a deeper way that many of us don’t do because we are too busy distracting ourselves by helping everyone else around us at the expense of ourselves.  But real, Empowered Happiness means knowing what it is that makes you happy and actually doing it! 

So, I implore you to find what makes you happy.  It could be little things you do during the day like sitting down for 10 minutes and mindfully enjoying your cup of coffee or tea or it could be something you do a few times a week like having a soak in the tub or hitting the gym.  Whatever it is, it needs to be just for you and something that helps you relax, release and recharge.

To help motivate you to look after yourself more I want to share some of my favourite things I do to look after myself.

Having a nice warm soak in the tub with some lovely essential oils, candles and some beautiful music.

Having an early night, sinking into bed and knowing I have more time to sleep.

Reading a good book whether it’s all about learning something new or a great fiction that takes me on a journey.

Going for a walk in nature or just around the block, soaking up the sun and feeling the beautiful breeze.

Playing with my 2 gorgeous huskies – Zeus and Thor.

Spending time in meditation, healing my body, my energy and allowing my mind to go on a journey.

Making an appointment for a healing session to clear out any stale energy and recharge.

Having a massage just for a little self-indulgent love.

Spending time just with me, alone in my thoughts, writing, drawing or just playing with my essential oils creating new scents.

So what can you do more of today or this week to show yourself some loving?  Remember you can’t give from an empty cup and no one else but you can fill it.  Today is the day to make some changes!

Comment below and let me know what your favourite ways are to look after yourself.

And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice!

Want more? You can check out my video on Self-Care here

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