Your Greatest Treasure – Your Imagination!

When was the last time you utilized your imagination? I mean, really utilized your imagination? As we grow into adults, life gets in the way and using our imagination can seem like a waste of time. I mean there are more important things to put your attention on.  Work, household chores, bills, family, friends.  Who has time to even consider their imagination?

Your Imagination is your best kept secret!

What if I was to tell you that your imagination is one of your best kept secret weapons to living the life you desire? This weapon, or as I prefer to call it your treasure, is probably currently living deep in your subconscious, long forgotten, waiting for you to help it resurface.  It’s the greatest treasure you possess and it has the power to make you happy and even reach your greatest, wildest dreams.

But the pressures of life, household chores, work, family, and running around all the time doing things and just existing in life may mean that you have probably neglected this beautiful treasure of your heart and mind for far too long.

The good news is that you still have it! It’s not lost.  It’s just needs a little coaxing to come out and play and to be integrated back into your daily life.

Reconnecting with your Greatest Treasure

Remember when you were little and you could imagine what you would BE instead of just what you would DO when you grew up?

Remember when you didn’t care what others thought of you?

You would wear the princess outfit to the shops or the batman costume to a friend’s house.

You wanted to play.

You wanted to be whatever you felt like.

You could create worlds in your mind, in your bed room or when you drew so easily.

It was a part of you… a natural part of you.  You need to get back to that!  You need to get back to BEING in life rather than DOING.

Step 1

What do you really want in life?  Is it a new job?  A new career?  New friends?  More adventure?

Anything you want to create in life starts with you first imagining what it would be like.

Feeling what it would feel like.

Seeing the scene play out.

Knowing that you can have that.

Spend five to ten minutes each day thinking and imagining what you want.

Step 2

Write down how step 1 made you feel.

Did it evoke any emotional response?

Did you feel like you deserved it or could create it?

Work through any negative emotions here.

Do some writing, see a kinesiologist or make an appointment with me to help you clear these negative blockages.

Step 3

Start making a plan.

How can you make this happen?

Do you need to study something new?

Do you need to start looking for a new job?

Do you need to attend different social events to meet new people?

Do you need to plan your next holiday?

Whatever it is, start making a plan you can actually take action on.

Step 4

DO IT!  Take action.  Small steps are OK.


The number one regret of those that are dying is,

‘I wish I’d had the courage to live a life that was true to me, not the life people expected of me.”

Do you have the courage now to make these changes?  Or are you going to wait until you are on your death bed wishing you had done something.  The time is now!


Thank you for reading, and until next time remember that

happiness starts with a smile and empowerment start with a choice!




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