As the calendar ticks over to another year most people start setting new year’s resolutions to bring about a better life for themselves. But we don’t need to wait for the 1st January every year to make changes, in fact, today is a GREAT day to make those changes and begin to make your life better.
Try these tips to bring about change into our life.
Time travel back a year
Spend some time reflecting on the year that has just gone by. Use your diary, credit card statement or your social media accounts to remind you of what you had been up to. Remember all the good times and successes that you did have and celebrate them. Think about the times you may need to improve upon or make changes and put things in place to ensure they don’t happen again.
Reconnect with friends and family
Make an effort to catch up with friends and family that make you smile. Our social interactions are important for our mental and emotional health. We are naturally social beings so get social!
Create a vision board
A vision board can be so powerful as it encourages us to sit down and really think about what it is we want to bring into our lives. A good vision board will make you think about the different aspects of your life including family, travel, career, success, love, health, relationships, etc. Keep an eye out for my online program – Create your Most Powerful Vision Board Yet!
Release what is no longer needed
This includes physical items from your home like old clothes, shoes, and appliances that no longer work or that you no longer use. Clearing this energy around you then helps you to also clear out old emotional habits that no longer serve you and that are holding you back from living the life that you deserve.
Reach out for Help
Know that it is ok to ask for help. This could be seeking an expert in decluttering your house, a gardener or cleaner to help you around the home. And a kinesiologist, coach or healer to help you with your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. See what services I may be able to help you with here…
Celebrate your wins
Consciously pat yourself on the back when something goes well. It could be as simple as sticking to your eating or exercise plan for a week or meeting a financial or career goal. Or it may even be recognising that you didn’t get upset in a situation that previously would have upset you.
Recharge regularly
Take time out each week just for you. This could include taking a bath, spending some time in meditation or reading a book. Whatever it is, give yourself the gift of peaceful down time.
Do what makes you happy
Spend time doing what makes you happy. Whether it’s going for a walk, making a cake, being creative or catching up with friends. Make time to do more of that. And mix it up. Traying new things is a great way to expand ourselves and increase our happiness.
Be grateful
Everything day write down just one thing you are grateful for and make it different each and every day. By focusing on what we are grateful for, we start to change the way our brain perceives the world around us and it will start to actively look for these moments during the day. Over time it will change a negative thinking mind to a more positive, happier mind.
Give yourself mini goals
Making small short-term goals is a great way to stay motivated. Something like, “I will exercise for 30 minutes for the next 7 days,” is easily achievable and great for our ego.
Be present
Stop trying to do to much and stop multitasking. Instead, focus on one thing at a time and do it well and to completion. If you do feel like you have a lot to do, make a list and tick items off your list as you complete them.
Take time to dream. Allow your mind to create a wonderful and rich life and then spend time writing it all down. As our mind wants to be proven right, over time you will find yourself in situations that begin to create the life you have always dreamed about.
Be yourself
Remember that you are perfect exactly as you are. Be yourself entirely and those that truly love you will continue to love you and those that don’t weren’t really your friends to begin with.
See life as an adventure
When we see life as an adventure we start to detach from the outcome. We allow life to unfold as it’s meant to and we start to see things we never saw before.
And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice.