Spring is in the air… and so is the pollen!

Spring is in the air! The days are becoming longer and the sunsets are filled with the beautiful colours of pinks, purples and orange.  The days are also getting warmer.  But with this extra sunshine and warmth comes the beautiful flowers in full bloom spreading a cascade of colour across our gardens and parks.

While our vision is entertained with the beauty of the colours and shapes of the various flowers, our noses are bombarded with a barrage of pollen. Suddenly the beauty our eyes enjoyed is overrun with the insult on our nasal passages.  Sneezing, coughing, running noses are just some of the symptoms that many ensue under the diagnosis of Hay fever.

Hay fever is caused by an over-reaction from your own body’s immune system when it is bombarded with allergens such as pollens, grass, fungal spores and dust.  So now is a great time to support and balance the immune system.


Taking extra doses of Vitamin B and C can help boost the immune system. Vitamin B is especially great for times of stress which can compromise our immune system.


Adding extra garlic and ginger to our foods can also boost our immune system. Ginger can also be added to smoothies and juices and is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Honey, especially locally sourced honey, acts as a great natural immunotherapy.


Pressure Points

Kinesiology as a therapy can also help. Balancing the different body systems, in particular the lung, spleen and kidney meridians can help strengthen the immune system.  But for those that want to try something at home you can try rubbing the following points.

Try holding all these points at the same time. Using your pinkie fingers push diagonally up on the Large Intestine points.  Use your ring fingers on the Stomach 2 point apply pressure downward towards the mouth and using your index fingers on the Bladder 2 point apply pressure upwards towards the head.

And lastly remember to keep hydrated. Water is a great way to flush the body of toxins and prevent us from becoming dehydrated!

Until next time remember, happiness starts with a smile! ☺

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