A new approach to wellbeing in the Corporate Environment

It’s becoming evident that mental health issues are becoming more prevalent. Depression, anxiety, stress and burn out are becoming common place and most of us know someone that is struggling with some sort of mental health issues.

These issues infiltrate every part of our life. From our home life, to where we spend most of our time… work! So why don’t we offer more help to our employees? Why not offer more assistance in our workplaces? A full-time employee spends most of their time at their job and quite often feels unable to find the time or energy to make an effort outside of work to tend to their own personal wellbeing.

Some companies have already implemented daily exercise routines in the form of lunch time walks or 10,000 steps a day targets. And while this definitely helps with the wellbeing of an employee, some may need more than this to really change their mindset and improve wellbeing.

Offering staff another solution to assist them with their emotional wellbeing is a sure way to increase productivity in your workplace. Helping employees to live happier and healthier lives is in the best interest for all involved. A happy employee is a productive employee.

So why not look at another solution? Corporate Kinesiology is a new and innovative way to introduce easy to use movements to help staff find a sense of calm and bring balance their to minds.

From interactive workshops, to one on one sessions, helping staff navigate their emotions and know there is a better way to process life is a sure way to lead to the success of all involved, including the company. We need to start doing more now to reduce mental health issues and increase wellbeing for all.

Remember, a happy employee is a productive employee. And a productive employee is a financial investment in the company’s future.

What are your thoughts about providing your employees with the tools to improve their life on all levels?

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