Bringing PEACE to a CHAOTIC Mind

How many times have you felt like you can’t think straight? Too many things to do and remember and not sure what to do next. Feeling like your chaotic mind is taking over when all you really want is PEACE?

Learning to find peace amongst the chaos of your mind is imperative to finding happiness and calm in your life. It’s a skill that can be developed over time and you can start today.

I recently shared a series of 5 videos in my Facebook group (you can join here if you like: and wanted to share them here too:


There are many different types of meditation out in the world. Just google meditation practices and see what comes up. Meditation helps to calm the mind and achieve peace. Here are some of my favorite types of meditations:

Guided Meditation

Here you will be taken on a journey listening to the facilitator guiding you. You could take a trip to the forest, or fly through the stars. They are a great way to help you focus on “something” and spend some time in your mind. It’s like a “holiday for your mind”.

Repeating a Mantra

Oprah and Deepak do great 21 day meditation regularly on various topics. Oprah explains the topic and the Deepak gives you are mantra to repeat. Great to help keep you relaxed and in the moment as you focus on remembering and repeating the mantra.


There are many different types of breathing techniques and studies on what gives us the best benefits. Find the one that works the best for you but personally I believe breathing deeply and then exhaling as much breath as you can is extremely beneficial.

Walking Meditation

This is something I practice periodically. It’s a time for just me when I go for a walk and really engage my senses, bringing my awareness to the present moment.

Into the Psyche

These are the ones I practice and facilitate in my clinic and via skype. They help you to get to the core of what is holding you back from moving forward. I have found these meditation the most powerful for me, as the guided meditation takes you on a journey and helps your conscious mind to take a break while your subconscious can step forward.


Writing down lists

How many times have you tried to remember different things that you need to do or buy? Lists are one of the biggest things you can implement to help calm your mind.

 Shopping / Grocery

Make a list of groceries you need to buy as the produce is used. Keep it in the kitchen on your fridge or somewhere you can easily add to it as needed.

Other shopping

I keep this one on my phone for things like makeup or socks. It’s a list of random things I need and can purchase when I go to the shopping centre.

Short term Tasks

Make a list of what you want to get done today and mark it off. It’s a great feeling when you can tick things off as done.

Long term tasks

Make a list of the other, longer term things that need to be done. They might be things like painting a room, or cleaning the garden.

Weekly activities chart

Make a weekly chart of where you and your family needs to be and when. As a busy mum of 2 very active kids I sometimes forget what time I need to get them to their activities. It lives on the study wall and I can check it out when I have a “Brain Hiccup”.


Expressing your emotions on paper

Download to paper

Writing is a great way to help get your emotions and feelings onto paper. It’s like a mental download from your mind to an external source. It can help you get perspective as everything is now in black and white in front of you.

Write and Burn

Write down all your anger and angst on a piece of paper. Don’t rationalize, don’t judge, and don’t worry about punctuation or spelling. Don’t even take your pen or pencil off the page. JUST WRITE! At the end of this process take a deep breath and let it all go as you safely burn the paper and transmute the energy of the anger and angst.


Switching or disconnecting from activities such as work that may cause disharmony

This is useful when you have trouble leaving one task behind and focusing on a new one.

Take off your coat

When you leave work or a certain activity imagine you let an energetic coat you have been wearing drop to the ground. You can then move freely into the rest of your day.

Cut the cords

Again, as you leave work or a certain activity, imagine you are cutting the cords to that activity so you can move forward freely.


Removing yourself from situations that disrupt your peace.

We can become immune to how we feel around certain people and places. Begin to notice how you feel at different times and then limit the times you spend with those people or places. This could be temporary or you may totally outgrow them. Either way, that’s ok.


So I hope these have tips have helped you and I would love to hear if you have any personal things you do to help bring peace and calm to your mind. Feel free to comment below.


Until next time remember, HAPPINESS starts with a SMILE and EMPOWERMENT starts with a CHOICE! ☺

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