Life’s little irritants are like bugs on a windscreen, you just need to wipe them off!

OK, so what do bugs on a windscreen have to do with life’s little irritants? It’s all noticing they are there and then wiping them off!

It’s so easy to be happy when things go your way. You get all the green lights, there is no queue at the checkouts, you grab the last top in your size on sale, or your kid gets an award at school.  I mean, why wouldn’t you be happy? Things are great and life is throwing you all the good stuff.

dont-let-the-littleBut what about when life isn’t being so kind? How hard is it changing that mindset when things aren’t going your way? This has happened to me over the past few months.  Lots of small, little things that just came into my life to give me a good kick up the bottom!

Now I’m not one to harp on about the negatives in life but in this instance, the negative niggly things definitely got my attention.

I realised I had to listen to my higher guidance and spirit self, do the actions, honour the emotions I was feeling, figure out why I was feeling this way, learn from them and then release them.  Emotions are a guide for us to evaluate where we are in life and what actions we are taking.  Awareness of these emotions gives us choice and choice allows us to change, to grow and to evolve.

So how do you figure out what life is trying to tell you?

  • Breathe.  Remember this too will pass as does everything else.
  • Meditate on it.  See what your higher self is trying to tell yourself.
  • Honour yourself.  Take some time out. If that means a day off work for a “Me” day or a bath in the evening, do it. It may even mean saying “no” to something. That’s ok.
  • Decide if there is something you need to change to avoid these irritants.  Could you do something at a different time?  Or ask someone to help you?
  • Take any action that can overcome or eliminate these irritants.
  • Laugh!  Yes laugh.  Sometimes the universe is just testing us to see how seriously we are taking life.  Laugh!

What did I learn?

What I realised was that I was living in my happy bubble and had lost some of my compassion for others that were not doing so well. Nothing teaches you a bigger lesson then when you are on the receiving end of what you need to learn.

Once I began to realise this, things started to change. I went to buy jeans and they were 40% off, I went to exchange some broken earrings and I received $2 back as they were now cheaper and I went to buy pretzels for the kids and received an extra one from the manager. This was all in one shopping trip!

Life really does look after us, we just need to sometimes look deeper as to why something is happening and what lessons there are in it for us. The lessons will continue until we get it.

So if you feel you are getting the short end of the stick in life, look at whether there is a theme running through it and see if you can understand what life is teaching you. If you can’t figure it out you may want to consider joining my new Self-Development class starting early next year.   Or a few kinesiology sessions may also help you get clarity.

Until next time remember, happiness starts with a smile!

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