Navigating these crazy times

Over the past few weeks, I have seen an increase in fear when working with clients or just speaking to those around me.

There is so much fear and much of it is centered around a fear of:

  • Catching COVID;
  • Being forced to vaccinate;
  • Being segregated with those that are vaccinated from those that are not vaccinated;
  • Being locked down;
  • Getting back out into society after lockdown; and
  • And so much more.


I know that the fear that is currently presenting is usually linked to a feeling of

  • Helplessness in loosing their personal power and ability to choose;
  • Judgement of what others are doing and saying; and / or
  • Anger in other’s and the choices they are making.


The issue with fear, especially in this circumstance is that it is producing feelings of paralyses, disconnectedness, and loss.


What if I was to ask you now –

How would you feel if you released your fear for just a moment?

What if you allowed PEACE into your heart and your existence just for the moment?

How would you be then?


The reason I ask you these questions is that all the fear does is hold you stuck in a state of powerlessness.  It doesn’t help you and it doesn’t help those around you.

When we look at the energy of emotions, fear sits quite low on the vibratory scale.  And as I have mentioned in the past, emotions are contagious. So, if we sit in a state of fear we only perpetuate that sense of fear in the world around us.


There is another way

I’m a glass half full kind of gal.

I like to see the world through the eyes of love and peace, and I know that the energy of love and peace vibrates at a much higher level then fear.  So again may I remind you that emotions are contagious?  If we all connect more with love and peace, then we will impact the world around us with that higher vibration.


So let me ask you again,

How would you feel if you released your fear for just a moment?

What if you allowed PEACE into your heart and your existence just for the moment?

How would you be then?

And let me add another question,

How do you feel this would impact the world around you?


Connecting to Heart

Let’s do an exercise to help you connect with peace in your heart.

Close your eyes and allow your breath to become deeper and slower.

Allow yourself to slowly and fully breath in.

Then allow your breath to slowly and completely leave your body.

Do this for a few moments, just becoming aware of how you are feeling.

Now become aware of how your body feels with this life-giving breath expanding and contracting your body.

Next place your awareness on your heart area.

Imagine you are slowly and fully breathing into your heart area.

Imagine you are slowly and completely breathing out of your heart area.

Again, spend a few moments just becoming aware of how that feels.

Now I want you to connect with a feeling of peace.

Allow that feeling of peace to grow within your heart and just notice how it feels.

If you wish, allow this feeling of peace to grow beyond your heart, into your entire body and even out into the world around you.

Sit in this wonderful space for as long as you wish.


Alternatively, you can listen to the meditation here on YouTube.


One more point

Just a closing thought that I would like to leave you with.  Life is constantly throwing use curve balls. Things don’t always go to plan and how we navigate our way through life is entirely up to us.

During this time, see it as an opportunity to build your own resilience by learning to adapt to the circumstances around you, as well as learning the power of accepting others and their choices.  By doing this you will empower your sense of peace and increase your vibration, which is exactly what the world needs now.


And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice.

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