During this unusual time, it’s extremely important that we take extra time and care of ourselves to maintain our well-being.
COVID-19 is disrupting all our lives in unparalleled ways. It’s inciting waves of anxiety and fear and as many of us wake each morning, we tune in to the news to see what the latest figures are and what our governments are going.
Our minds may also be racing with questions like:
- Will I get sick?
- Will a family member get sick?
- Will we go into further lockdown?
- Will I lose my job?
- How will I pay the bills?
- When will the restrictions ease?
The toll this is taking on our emotional and mental wellbeing is adding up. Chronic, unrelenting stress is building and we may find ourselves with more time to mull over this stress. That, coupled with the loneliness of quarantining leads our bodies to be bombarded with extra stress hormones.
What can I do?
Today, make a decision that you won’t allow this stress and loneliness to continue to hurt your mind, your body and your spirit. Make the time and extra effort to look after yourself.
- Get outside for fresh air and sunlight. Take time every day to get outside. Even into your backyard. The fresh air is invigorating, and we all need the vitamin D from sunlight for our physical and emotional health. Low exposure to sunlight has been linked to depression.
- Practice physical distancing —not social distancing. Thankfully we live in a time where most of us have access to technology that can help us stay connected. Check in on family and friends with a text or message, a phone call, or even better use video so that you can see each. Try Skype or FaceTime.
- Diffuse Essential Oils. Open your windows and diffuse your favourite oils. Our sense of smell impacts our emotional state quite quickly and allowing your favourite scent to fill your rooms while also allow a gentle breeze through the house cleanses out the old stagnant energy and allows in a refreshing new energy.
- Stay mindful and active. Don’t be tempted to spend all your extra time binge watching TV. It’s important to keep your mind and body active. Make it a priority to engage in things that bring you joy. It might be time to reignite your love for a hobby or learn something new. YouTube has many tutorials to show you how to bake or decorate cakes, or even how to draw. There are also many online learning sites such as Udemy or Teachable. I am currently teaching my self, with the help of YouTube, to juggle!
- Limit news consumption.While it’s important to stay up to date with what is going on, too much negative news will feed anxiety and fear. Limit your news consumption to once a day and then focus on feeding your mind with more positive news.
- Create routines to fit your new normal. It’s easy to allow structure to go out the window when you don’t need to get up and drive through traffic for school drop off or to drive to work. Try to maintain some sort of daily routine such as not sleeping in and going to bed at a reasonable hour. If you are working from home, try to stay within your normal working hours and take regular breaks.
- Get moving. Get up and move. There are plenty of exercise routines online that you can do in the comfort of your home without the need for any equipment. Walking, step ups, push ups and sit ups are just a few things you can do.
- Meditation. Meditation is a wonderful way to help relax your mind and body. Guided meditation can also take you on a journey away from normal life to a faraway place, giving you a reprieve from our daily life. Check out my meditations on Insight Timer http://insig.ht/carolynking
- Play more. Now, more than ever, it’s more important to find the time to play. Check out my article by clicking here
- Seek help when you need it. It’s important to be aware of how you’re feeling and coping with your current situation. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or fearful, reach out for help. This could mean chatting to friends or family or engaging the services of a mental health professional, kinesiologist or coach.
- Stay connected. Join my FB group for daily motivation by clicking here. Or join my free zooms which I am holding weekly in my collaboration with Helen Storr called Picture Your World.
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The next few months may be challenging but they don’t need to be difficult. You can make the choice on how you wish to navigate this time. I know I am choosing to look at the more positive side of life, despite the financial strains. I know when I do this, I feel better about myself and life in general. Either way, we will get thought this period. How? That will be up to you.
Please reach out if you need a session. During this time, it is extremely important to look after your mental and emotional wellbeing and I am still working, holding sessions online.
And remember, Happiness Starts with a Smile and Empowerment Starts with a Choice.